Beautiful Beads for needs SOLD

Our Bead sale last Friday went pretty well. We managed to raise a lot of money thanks to beautiful jewleries and positive customers. The money will be spent on children living in dormitories in Yerevan.
Exactly how much money we raised, I do not know. But I will tell you when I do... (It is not yet counted...)
The evening started with some speeches from the Red Cross, me included. I said some of it in Armenian, and it went OK, I guess... I told a bit about the Smiley Club project which started some 4 years ago with the ideas of two Armenian delegates in Sogn and Fjordane, Norway.
The Smiley Club volunteers visit the children in the dormitories, help them with their homework and play with them. They also take them out to the theatre, amusement park, summer camp and events. With the money from the Bead sale on Friday, the Armenian Red Cross can arrange New Year events for even more children from the dormitory.
On one of the walls in the restaurant, we had a picture exhibition showing the Smiley Club project and the living condition in one of the dormitories. We put the pictures on the wall to increase knowledge about refugees in Yerevan and to show people what they support if they buy jewleries from us.
Some of our lovely Red Cross girls had a mini catwalk before the sale which was really cool. They showed some of the most beautiful jewleries, and tempted the guests to buy..
My favourite jewlery was this one, "the Planet jewlery". After the mini show, it was bougth by the Norwegian council, Tim Straight. I guess he has a pretty good taste... :)
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