Warming gifts

A new knitting group in Yeghegnadzor Red Cross Youth is making gifts for Armenian refugees from Asjerbajdsjan. Next year, 20 of them will get a gift that really warms.The International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) gives 1 000 AMD for each present (some 2,5 $), and we have decided that we will buy knitting stuff for this money. We are now knitting scarfs, pulswarmers etc and will attach nice beads on them in the end.
The group now consists of 6-7 girls, and most of them knows how to knit. Our new leader Anoush even knitted her own sweater! Respect in the knitting world! I am teaching how to knit "right" and "wrong" (okey, I know that these words probably are not proper English words, but I guess you all understand...).
The office at the Red Cross is too cold for knitting (only 14 degrees....), so we use a room at the Vayat Dzor region Civil Center instead. We can use the room three times a week, and it is quite warm. It is not big but we do not need a lot of space, and I am glad that we can share their space.
On Sundays, we are planning to visit some of the elderly people (tatiknere jev papiknere: grandmothers and grandfathers) and knit with them. Hopefully, we will all enjoy it, and maybe they even can teach us some old Armenian patterns! :)
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