Children's Day in tha Wood!

The Smiley Club Children that are getting social help from the Armenian Red Cross Youth were taken to the Botanical Garden on 1st of June. They had a wonderful time, and so did we! :)

We celebrated Children's Day with them by showing them games and making a barbecue for them. And giving them surprises: gifts and ice cream and sun glasses for the boys (left overs in a shop that we got for free).

Kaja and her friend Liv cut the bread... :) Maladetz!

The kids also got a guided tour around the Botanical Garden. And me and Kaja showed them how we should get there. 2&2 holding hands! :)

Kaja handed out Armenian icecream!!

I gave handmade bracelets from the Beads for Needs Group with my fellow bead-friends. :) The kids were happy, but some of them wanted to change colour... And they could! :)

After a long day in the park, the children went back to the dormitory by bus while getting more presents: singlets! It felt good to see the children so happy for relatively little money and work. The day was supported by money from the Beads for Needs sale and fundings from the Federation (Norwegian Red Cross). Aprenk! :)

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