The Great Beads for Needs Girls! :)
The Beads for Needs group has been excisting for more than half a year, and I am impressed by all the nice items the group has made.
Just a small amount of the money we have raised has been spent on the Smiley Club children; most of it has been spent on further investmens, and savings. But we plan to spend a large amount on Childrens Day, 1th of June so that the kids can have a lot of fun that day. (Picknic, cinema, amusement park etc...)
The hard core girls in the group are Metax, Gayanne, Nelly, Greta and me with a lot of help from Lia (staff, financial issues). The volunteers are all eager to continue with the fund raising-project after I have left, and that makes me very happy. :)
Most of the time we have had a lot of fun, and it is a good feeling to be creative together while supporting a good cause at the same time.
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