Vi var paa TV....

The youth channel Nor Alik in Yerevan invited us for a talk about Beads for needs and Norwegian youth exchange in December. It was fun being on air, all in all for almost an hour!!
Emma from the office and the leader of the Beads, Metax, told about the Bead project during the first half hour, starting at 10 am while me and Kaja waited in the producer room....
After a couple of music videoes and commercials it was our turn.... We talked about this and that, the Red Cross youth exchange program, what we liked and disliked in Armenia and so on... We talked a bit in Armenian, but mostly in English. Emma was the translator for the viewers...
And here comes the golden corn from Kaja: (gullkorn altsaa.....)
When the host Samuel asked if we could speak Armenian, Kaja wanted to answer "mi kitch" which means "a bit" in English. But what really came out of her mouth live on air was: "Mi BITCH"!!! :::))) Of course we laughed... And of course we will never let her forget it... ;)
Godt å høre at alt er bra i Jerevan! Her jobbes det ganske heftig med prosjektplanlegging vet du :) Når sant skal sies, her har man også vært på TV, dog lokal TV med muligens en heller begrenset seeroppslutning. På TV var jeg iallefall! Ser frem å henge i baren et sted i Åslå og bare sippe til en eller fem-seks-syv øl... Ha det godt Rannveig!
halla! legg ut bilder av dine 15 seconds of fame hvis du har! sitter og leser en blekke om sex and youth fra UNAIDS: contextual factors affecting risk for HIV/AIDS. ganz interessant... nyt prosjektplanlegginga. alltid gøy å prosjektplanlegge! ;)sees i åzlå.
Hej søss! Håper du har det fint! Sjekker bloggen daglig, artig!! Kult+grattis med dine "15 minutes of fame"! Gleder meg til å komme på besøk - hipp hurra!! masse kos fra din store-søss!!!
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