105 000 AMD!!!!

We sold Beads for needs-jewelleries for more than 100 000 AMD on our exhibition/sale in December. I have already given our inance-queen Lia a kiss.....
105 000 AMD is more than 1 800 NOK, a lot of money in Armenia!! But we had to pay taxes, some 25 pst, and of course the material and beads are not for free....
Some of the money we raised will be used for bus transportation for more than 30 kids from the dormitories when they are going to the Puppet theatre later this week!

We did not manage to sell all the items, but the Norwegian council, Mr Tim Straight, wants to cooperate with us, and we gave the left overs + some new items to his shop in Yerevan. Hopefully people will buy them there as well.... And we are planning a new sale, either for Valentines day or for Womens day! :) STAY TUNE for more beads!
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