I was lucky 2 spend my last day in 2006 with a charming Armenian family in Yerevan and our friend Fouad Achiba de la France.Ingrediens: Armenian dishes, so many that you could not see the coulor of the table.... (Shat hamova!!) Armenian music, Armenian dances and other dances, Armenian wine, Russian vodka...presents...

I got a new pair of jeans and silvery bracelets from my dear Red Cross sisters Emma and Lia. They got a photo album from Kaja and me: a lot of pictures from our stay in Armenia with our new friends. They loved it!

At midnight we started eating, and of course we had many toasts. At 1 am we toasted for our friends in Mosow, and 2 hours later we drank for Norway and France. After all this we danced... shat fun!
We also danced with the cute teddy bears and the mice in the house... You can see one of them behind Emma...
Heia Rannveig! En liten hilsen fra Danmark - jeg har vært inne og lest bloggen din flere ganger, og tenkte det var på tide å skrive noen ord til deg. Det ser ut som du koser deg, og kjenner jeg deg rett så er du superdyktig til jobben - full av engasjement og livsglede :)Ta godt vare på deg selv! Knus(klem på dansk) fra Annette
Hallo Annette!! Tusen takk for hilsning!! Haaper du fortsatt trives i Danmark, og at det gaar bra med deg og drengen din... :)
Staa paa!! Haaper vi sees til sommeren, tenker du deg til Lex da??! Stor kos, R
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